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NFL Flag Ventura County

NFL Flag Official League


NFL Flag Ventura County - Parent's Code of Conduct

We want a safe, uplifting and professional environment where these players can learn the game of football. Please remember that NFL Flag Ventura County Football will enforce these rules.


* I will remember that children participate to have fun and that the game is for them, not for the adults.

* I will be a positive role model for my child and encourage good sportsmanship by showing respect, courtesy, and support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators at all times.

* I will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct such as booing, taunting, using profane language or gestures, with any official, coach, player, or parent at any time.

* I will praise my child for competing fairly and trying hard, and make my child feel like a winner every time, regardless of the outcome of the game.

* I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other participants for making a mistake.

* I will respect the officials and their authority during games and will never question, discuss, or confront an official or coach on the game field.

* I will place my child's emotional and physical well-being ahead of any personal desire I may have for my child to win.

* I pledge to follow NFL Flag Ventura County Football Parent's Code of Conduct and I understand that any violation of this Parent's Code of Conduct will result in my being asked to leave the field. Repeat violations may result in the loss of the privilege of attending all games.

* I pledge that if concerns arise I will first go to the coach and try to work out the situation. If further resolution is needed I will see the commissioner of NFL Flag Ventura County and will not take up issue on the field or with other parents not involved in the situation.

24 hour rule followed in our league:

24 hour rule states:

Please wait 24 hours before talking to your child's coach about any grievances you may have about the day's game. We have great volunteer coaches in our program that we know would be more than willing to chat with you about any concerns, but we are asking that you hold off 24 hours before doing so.

NFL Flag Ventura County

Simi Valley, California 93063

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